Hi team,
In the examples I’ve seen of custom css for Answers cards, the CTA icon label is targeted by the class .HitchhikerCTA-iconLabel. Is there a way to target icon labels specific to an answers card, e.g. Professional-Standard CTA icon Labels?
My use case here is that I want white icon labels on FAQs since they will have a colored button background, but for my location cards I don’t want the CTAs to be in button formats so I need a different color on the CTA label.
Thanks for the help!
Hi Johnathon,
You can use the parent/child relationships in the HTML of the cards to help you here.
You’ll notice that the card is wrapped in classes that relate to the card type. For Restaurants, if I have a custom restaurant
card, you’ll see there’s a restaurant
class wrapping the card.
Similarly, if I’m using an event-standard card for my Events vertical, I’ll see a event-standard
class wrapping this div.
In CSS, when you identify two classes with a space in-between, it will look for all instances of the second class nested within the first (here’s a refresher on CSS selectors).
So, I can add the following CSS:
.restaurant .HitchhikerCTA {
color: white;
background-color: black;
padding: 1rem;
.event-standard .HitchhikerCTA {
color: black;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 1rem;
To produce the following two CTA styles:
Let me know if this helps!
Hi Amani!
Thank you so much for your brain–this is perfect.