Voice Search - NLU Training to improve recognition

Hi everyone,

I just implemented the Voice Search in the Answers Search Bar for one of my clients. However, we noticed that some words are not recognized during the speech to text process. These words are products names specific to this client.

Is there a way to improve their recognition like traning this as spelling / NLP in the back office as we do for text searches?
The language for the voice search is english!

Thanks for your help!


Hi Hafsa,

Unfortunately we don’t have a great solution for this at the moment. We use an external API for voice recognition (you can read more here!) - it does look like the API does support custom “grammars” we could use to add business-specific terms to recognize, but we would need to investigate whether that would be possible.

Can you submit an Idea?


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Thanks Alex for your clear response.
I will submit an idea for that!