Why use Knowledge Assistant | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • Common use cases
  • How using Knowledge Assistant can help

When to Use Knowledge Assistant

Knowledge Assistant is an important tool in your Yext arsenal. At the end of the day, you want to make sure that your end consumers have the right information and feel your engagement via reviews and Q&A. Knowledge Assistant allows you to accomplish this in a quick and easy way.

Knowledge Assistant is great for:

  • On-the-go or last minute interactions
  • Responding quickly to your consumers
  • Reminding you when you have tasks to complete
  • Collecting content from other users like franchisees or regional managers

On-the-Go Interactions

Let’s say you’re walking out the office door and you get an email that a store is closing early. You don’t want to turn around, open up your laptop, wait for the internet to connect, login to Yext and make the change. You can easily send a message to Knowledge Assistant: “Update hours”

Responding Quickly to Consumers

Consumers can leave reviews or ask questions on your listings or website. They’re only doing so because they want to feel heard or are seeking information. It’s critical that you acknowledge these customers as quickly as possible. With Knowledge Assistant, you can get notifications of any reviews in the system and Knowledge Assistant will prompt you to respond if applicable.


Knowledge Assistant’s proactive notifications are super helpful reminders that there’s something you need to do to optimize your search experiences, whether that’s responding to a review or question or making an update to the information you have stored in Content. It’s easy to miss an email or forget to login, so signing up for these text or Messenger reminders can help streamline your to-dos.

Collecting Content

Getting data from the people that know it best is hard. Often times, franchisees, doctors, advisors, store managers, event managers, or product specialists are the only ones that know the information you need to optimize your search experiences. What are the featured menu items? What time do you close on Fridays? Did the phone number change? Are there photos for the event? Data also often gets stale – you may have collected the doctor’s hours last January, but are they still valid today?

You can use Knowledge Nudge to collect the information you need from any user through one-time collection or recurring reminders for stale data.

In fact, we’ve found that customers that use Knowledge Assistant have significantly more content utilization than those who don’t.

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    What is Knowledge Assistant great for? (Select all that apply)

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    True or False: Knowledge Assistant can send proactive notifications to users.

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