Add Drive-Thru Hours Open Status to card

Hi team,

I’d like to add the Open Status for Drive-Thru Hours (to mirror the current Open Status for Hours in styling) to my Location card. This data lives in c_driveThruHours (Hours type custom field), so I believe I’ll need to update the openStatus formatter in static/formatter/formatter.js to reference this custom field (instead of the profile.hours field). However, I’m running into an issue doing so. I think it has to do with other formatters being referenced in formatter.js, in that more than just openStatus needs to be modified, but would appreciate any guidance here. Thanks for your help!


Hey Josh!

I had the exact same question. Here is how you should implement this:

1. Override the Theme (formatter.js File)
We need to override the theme here so we can pass a “field” parameter to the hours formatter. This will allow us to pass Drive thru hours in addition to main hours.

Copy the existing openStatus formatter and create a openStatusV2 formatter that accepts a field.

  static openStatusV2(profile, field, locale = 'en-US') {
    if (!field) {
      return '';

    const days = this._formatHoursForAnswers(field, profile.timeZoneUtcOffset);
    if (days.length === 0) {
      return '';

    const { time, day } = this._calculateYextDayTime(new Date(), profile.timeZoneUtcOffset);

     * @type {{days: Object[], time: number, day: string, dayIndex: number }}
    let hours = {
        days: days,
        time: time,
        day: day,
        dayIndex: this._dayToInt(day),

    hours.yextDays = this._prepareIntervals(hours);
    let { status, nextTime, nextDay } = this._getStatus(hours);
    hours.nextTime =  nextTime;
    hours.nextDay = nextDay;
    hours.status = status;

    return this._getTodaysMessage({ hoursToday: hours, isTwentyFourHourClock: false, locale: locale });

Since you’re now shadowing this file, just be careful in future theme upgrades to not overwrite this.

2. Update the component.js File
Use the new formatter for the existing hours field, and then add a new field driveThru to store the drive thru hours data.

hours: Formatter.openStatusV2(profile, profile.hours),
driveThru: Formatter.openStatusV2(profile, profile.c_driveThruHours),

3. Update the template.hbs file
3a - Add the card.driveThru to the if statement.
3b -Add the div for the driveThru hours only if card.driveThru is populated.
3c - Add headings (Lobby & Drive Thru).

 {{#if (any card.hours card.driveThru}}
  <div class="HitchhikerLocationStandard-infoCol">
    {{#if card.hours}}
    <div class="HitchhikerLocationStandard-hoursText">
      <strong>Lobby: </strong>{{{card.hours}}}
    {{#if card.driveThru}}
    <div class="HitchhikerLocationStandard-hoursText driveThru">
      <strong>Drive-Thru: </strong>{{{card.driveThru}}}
    <div class="HitchhikerLocationStandard-services">
      <span class="HitchhikerLocationStandard-servicesLabel">
        {{#each}}{{this}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{~/each}}

4. Updates to the Answers.scss file
Add this for quick styling for the labels, but you can take this further if you want to add more.

 .HitchhikerLocationStandard-hoursText {
    strong {
      font-weight: bold;

Hi Jessie!

With the SDK and theme upgrades, the original openStatus formatter changed a bit. I did not have to do Step 1. I used the new existing openStatus formatter and called in specific field that I wanted to be formatted.

For Step 2 , the ‘key’ variable should be coded as a text string.

hours: Formatter.openStatus(profile, "hours"),
driveThru: Formatter.openStatus(profile, "c_driveThruHours"),
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