Add Image to FAQ Answer field

Hi Team,

Routing numbers continue to be some of the most frequently search terms in my Answers experience. We currently have a “What is my routing number?” FAQ that we’ve seen a ton of engagement with. However, after discussing with my marketing team, we also would like to add a “Where can I find my routing number?” FAQ. In an ideal world, we’d love to add an image to the Answer field that displays a large check with the routing number highlighted. Is it possible to add an image into the ‘Answer’ field that would display the photo below?


Thank you!

Hi Austin,

Rich text fields do not support images. I would recommend adding an “Image” custom field, and mapping that to display underneath the FAQ Answer if an image is desired!

Keep in mind that images aren’t accessible by screen readers, so it’s important that the answer itself has enough information for a user to find what they’re looking for.
