Add single quotes to cursor for pagination (Pull from API Connector)

I am trying to get data from Khoros, their API v2 uses LiQL and for pagination the have two options Cursor or Offset, they recommend Cursor for more than 10k records which is what I need.

When testing on Postman I can see the Cursor working by adding single quotes to the cursor token. For example:*+FROM+messages&CURSOR+‘longtokenstring’

I configured the Connector but it brings only the first page and when I check the etl_diagnostic it shows*+FROM+messages&CURSOR=longtokenstring

Is there a way that I can add those single quotes? Right now my config is the following:
Cursor Type: Token
Page Key: CURSOR
Detect in: Response body
Cursor: data.next_cursor

Hey @Alejandro_Arce per our discussions internally. It looks like Khoros has a relatively unique request format that our cursor pagination doesn’t support today.

It looks like


needs to become


Which is not supported today. You should look to try the offset approach in order to paginate for now.
