Answers Search UI Version 1.12.1 Patch Release

We’ve released a patch for the Answers Search UI SDK (v1.12.1) to correct two visual bugs below.

Hide Mic Icon When Voice Search Not Supported

Previously, we showed the mic icon for all mobile search bars. A user would click on the mic, allow access to the mic, and then receive an error message that speech recognition is not enabled because speech recognition is not supported on all browsers and devices.

We have updated this functionality to only show the mic icon on browsers and devices that are supported, listed below. To learn more about mobile compatibility, check out the MDN documentation on Web Speech API.

  • WebView Android
  • Chrome Android
  • Safari on iOS
  • Samsung Internet

Fix Loading Indicator on Safari

We have corrected an issue where the loading indicator appeared as just a circle on Safari.

Check out the changes for the:

Reminder that so long as you’re pinned to a minor version of the most recent SDK (i.e. 1.12 instead of 1.12.0), you’ll get this update for free! If you’re pinned to a patch, you can upgrade this to most recent patch.

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