Content Suggestions Rejection Updates (Winter '21 Release)

We’ve made updates to the Rejection Comments option in the Knowledge Graph under Configuration > Suggestions Settings.

This update allows users to add comments to a rejected content suggestion more easily, and gives users the option to make rejection comments mandatory.

The Rejection Comments setting prompts the user to enter a reason when an individual suggestion is rejected. Currently, the rejection comments modal only appears when the user is on an individual suggestion’s detail page.

With this release, we have updated the rejection comments modal to appear when a user rejects a suggestion from the Suggestion Overview screen or Suggestions Workflow, in addition to an individual suggestion’s detail page.

We have also added a sub-setting to the Rejection Comments setting that gives users the option to make rejection comments mandatory. When toggled on, users will be required to enter a rejection comment in order to reject a suggestion.

Users can turn on the “Winter '21: Suggestions Rejection Modal Updates (early access)” account feature during the Early Access period (starting December 15). This feature will automatically be turned on for all accounts at General Availability (starting January 12).

To learn more about Content Suggestions, visit the Content Approvals and Suggestions training module.