CTA Label Accepted by All Search Events (Summer ‘22 Release)

The CTA Label property on Search Events is now supported by all Event Types! Historically, CTA Label — which allows users to provide a display label for their Search Events — was supported on only a handful of Event Types. With this change, now all Event Types support the use of CTA Label making it even easier to differentiate your Event Types.

For example, imagine you’re a doctor who has two phone numbers (one for general information and one for emergencies), and both are using the event type TAP_TO_CALL, with ctaLabel you can differentiate these two buttons (e.g. ctaLabel = general and ctaLabel = emergency) so you can better understand which button is getting more engagement.

To learn more about CTA Label Accepted by All Search Events visit the Search Analytics Event Types unit within the Search Analytics module.

This feature was automatically enabled in all Sandbox and Production accounts, so you can start taking advantage of this today!