Custom Phrases in Search (Summer ‘22 Release)

You can now customize the search algorithm even further by adding custom phrases to your configuration!

Phrases are multi-word sequences that should be understood by the search algorithm as a single “unit” when fetching results with Text Search, Phrase Match, or NLP Filter. “New York”, “big mac”, and “atm fees” are all examples of phrases that are singular concepts you’d want to search as a unit rather than searching the individual words.

You can add these custom phrases to your Search configuration in two ways:

  1. Go to Answers > Your Experience > Additional Settings and update Custom Phrases:

  1. Use the JSON editor and use customPhrases to input strings of text:
"customPhrases": [
   "featured snippets",
   "query suggestions",
   "spell check",

Turn on the Summer ‘22: Custom Phrases in Search (early access) account feature to use this feature during the Early Access period. This feature will automatically be turned on for all accounts at General Availability for the Summer '22 Release.

To learn more about Custom Phrases visit the Core Configuration - Verticals module.