Error when trying to Create new repo using CLI in Pages Setup

I am in the process of trying to set up a new repo and create a new2 site in my sandbox account using the Location Stater (Basic) but continue to get the following error. I have posted the code below:

? What would you like to call your new Pages repo? ***demo
Cloning files and creating new repo…
Cloning into ‘starter-template’…
✓ Repo cloned successfully!
Initializing repo…
✗ Failed to create initial commit because of an unexpected error.
git is currently at version 2.40.1. Using the last known stable version (2.39.0) may fix your problem
Inspect the logs at /Users/aboseman/.yext/logs/yext.log for more information
ERROR: exit status 128
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I checked and I have both the latest version of Git and also the latest version of the Yext CLI. Any idea what may be causing this error?


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Thanks, Andrew. Can you share the contents of your logs, which are accessible at /Users/aboseman/.yext/logs/yext.log?