Having trouble removing product borders on a grid vertical?

I’m trying to remove the borders from all my product/faq cards, which I was successfully able to do for all of them using this code in answers.scss:

.HitchhikerStandard {
     border: none;

This worked for all the cards in universal but didn’t work for the ProductProminentImage cards specifically in the 2 column vertical I have. The grey border is still visible and I found the class that’s determining the “border: 1px solid …” but when I add it to the answers.scss it doesn’t make any changes. I’m assuming this is set deeper in the theme but I can’t find which file it’s in. Thank you!

Referring to this Office Hours Post: adding

.AnswersVerticalGrid .Hitchhiker-2-columns .yxt-Card-child, .AnswersVerticalGrid .Hitchhiker-3-columns .yxt-Card-child, .AnswersVerticalGrid .Hitchhiker-4-columns .yxt-Card-child {
  border: none;

to the answers.scss file but outside the .answers {} did the trick! Thanks @Kristy_Huang!

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I was able to follow this post and successfully remove the borders from my vertical search results. However, I am unable to remove them from the universal card… I have tried a few different target elements and haven’t been successful. Let me know where I might be missing something.

I have targeted

.HitchhikerProductProminentImage { border: none; } .HitchhikerProductProminentImage-img { border: none; }

as well as
.HitchhikerResultsGridThreeColumns { border: none; }

Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 12.31.03 PM

Hi @Sarah_Bokhari !
I was able to do this on my experience by navigating to the answers-variables.scss file in the code editor and setting --yxt-border-default: 0px;. Hope that works for you!

Thank you so much @Hannah_Mussi!