How to Remove Inner Scrollbar of Answers Experience

Hi all,

How can I remove the inner scrollbar of an iframed Answers experience? I want to have just the main, outer scrollbar of the page instead of two different scrollbars.

I inquired internally and one idea was that the iframe container has to allow the max size of the iframe because the scrollbar only shows if the iframe space for the Answers experience is not big enough to contain all the content. As far as I am aware, there was nothing custom about this integration that would prevent the default Answers iframe integration code from automatically resizing the iframe to the appropriate height so there is no inner scrollbar.

Best regards,

Hi Chris,

Taking a look at this client’s website, I see that their iframe uses //answers.js instead of /iframe.js like in the integration instructions. Let us know if changing that fixes it!

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Hi Kristy,

While the client was looking to make the recommended update, they searched the code for both iframe.js and answers.js (searched both with and without the .min option) and they located three instances of answers(.min).js. Two instances look to be in the customfooterlibs.html area, but both instances are referencing answers.js.

I was not able to find any references to answer.js in the integration instructions. Do they need to update these references to iframe.js instead?

Best regards,

Hi Chris,

I think the client may be mixing up the integration instructions for the search bar and the search results page, which are two distinct steps. I see code snippets from both steps on their search results page. For example, as you mentioned, answers.min.js is on their search results page, however this is a code snippet for initializing the search bar. This should be removed from the search results page.

The client should go back through the integration instructions and match the code on their site to the integration instructions.

Hi Kristy,

Thank you for the insight! I will take this information back to the client.

Best regards,