Hubspot Ticket Connector (September ‘21 Release)

Pull in your Hubspot Service Hub tickets with our new Hubspot Ticket Connector! Using this connector, you can pull in entities to power your Answers experiences, populate your Yext Pages, or investigate with our Analytics. Ready to get started? Here’s how:

  1. Install the Hubspot Ticket Connector into your account in one of two ways: Head over to the “Apps” tab on your account, click “Directory” or head to the Connectors tab in your account.
  2. Click on “Hubspot Ticket Connector”
  3. When you install it, you will be prompted to fill in your Hubspot API Key, which you can access on your Hubspot Developer Account. See specific instructions here.
  4. Click Authorize
  5. After you’ve completed the installation flow, the connector will run automatically!

Have any questions? Let us know!

Alert :rotating_light:
We are making updates to our Hubspot CMS Hub integration which will result in an update to the existing Hubspot Ticket Connector. Hubspot is sunsetting the use of API Keys which our solution currently requires; we will be migrating over to an OAuth solution as of September 27, 2022 !

The updated Hubspot Ticket Connector will require you to directly link your Hubspot account to Yext, making it even more secure and just as easy to set up.

Post any questions below!