Installing Yext Plugin on WordPress Locally

I’m trying to install the Yext Answers Site Search WordPress Plugin locally on a website to test and can’t make this work.

Let me know if there is a solution as I’d like to use this WordPress plugin for a single-site search only.

So for example, if my local URL is example.local/ I can use my default WordPress search box and look for “diabetes” and go to example.local/?s=diabetes to see the search results.

Yet when I added the Yext WordPress search box (via the [yext_searchbar] shortcode) on the local website (like example.local/) and do a search, I go to example.local/?query=diabetes and do not view the search results page. On the search results page I added the [yext_results_page] shortcode.

On the Yext WP Admin page (example.local/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=yext_answers_options) I added data in the fields (see example) and example.local/iframe.js in the iFrame Script URL field (with the https:// as well).


Hi Matt,

We’re happy to help you troubleshoot your Yext Answers WordPress plugin. However, it’s a bit difficult to debug without being able to see how you are configuring the plugin. Would you be able to share screenshots with your configuration? You can email with these screenshots. This will create a ticket with us to maintain your privacy.

We also have a guide on Integrating Answers with WordPress that might help you troubleshoot what’s going on.
