JS Version 1.1.0 Release

Version 1.1.0 was released earlier tonight!


Search Bar

Searchbar component is now supported for .aspx (ASP.NET) pages. Because these pages are forms, our default searchbar does not work (since it is also a form, and it is against the sacred laws of HTML to have forms within forms). To include our searchbar without a form tag, add useForm: false to the searchbar configuration. You can learn more about how to set up a search bar and integration options in this unit, How to Build (or Update) a Search Bar.

One caveat here: We wrap our search bars in a form element by default for assistive technologies (screen readers), since it helps them understand the purpose of the search bar. Only use this configuration option if you really need it!

Breaking Changes

No breaking changes from v1.0.x.
However, if you set useForm to false, note that the HTML structure will change.

  • In previous versions, the element that wraps the search bar is <form class="yxt-SearchBar-form"> .
  • With useForm: false, it becomes <div class="yxt-SearchBar-input-wrapper"> ).

If you were targeting the yxt-SearchBar-form class with any css, that will need to be adjusted.