Knowledge Graph Module 5 Challende

I am working on the Challenge for Module 5 in Knowledge Graph and I keep getting the same thing wrong when I do it (“Add all the new fields to the Community Story entity type”). I have read the directions over and over and have tried from scratch multiple times. I cannot seem to figure out what is missing. I am attaching the grading screen and the fields I currently have added to the Community Story entity type.

Here is my set of fields added.

Hey Henry,

I believe this issue is coming from the ID for your Community Story Entity Type. Your ID is currently using two underscores: ce__communityStory instead of just a single underscore: ce_communityStory. The grading rules can be pretty particular, and in this case the rule is checking for an exact match on the entity type ID. If you edit the ID to just have a single underscore, you should be good to go!


Thanks DJ! That fixed it!

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