Module 18 Assessment, no template created

Hello, I’m doing the module 18 Assessment. when I get to step 6 it says.
" 6. You are now ready to set up your search bar integration! Let’s add a search bar to the header of your restaurant pages. Navigate to Pages > Turtlehead Tacos Restaurants and edit the “Turtlehead Tacos Restaurant Pages” template."

But there is no template there.

I did the challenge yesterday for the first time, and created a static template and then I did the remaining steps, but then the assessment didn’t like my changes since I was getting only half of the work recognized. that or I missed something along the way.

Any help will be much appreciated.


To clarify the title of the post, The module 18 is for the the Search track. Integration Options & Going Live

I managed to solve the issue by creating a dynamic template of Entity type Restaurant, using the provided name: Turtlehead Tacos Restaurant Pages.

Indications could be a little bit cleared imho, tho. =)

it is safe to close/delete this ticket.

Hi Carlos,

Glad you were able to complete the challenge by adding the template yourself. I wasn’t able to recreate the issue - I see the “Turtlehead Tacos Restaurant Pages” template in my site when I go through the challenge myself. However, we appreciate you flagging the issue and will look into whether this is only affecting some accounts.
