Hi Vishal,
When you click the Apply Template button from entity edit (with all of your restaurants selected), you should be taken to this screen. If you click the dropdown, you should see the other templates:
If you only see “None”, that probably means you have entities selected other than restaurants (like maybe you selected ALL entities,).
Here’s a quick video: 2020-07-10_09-48-31.mp4
It looks like you also haven’t updated the Saved Upload Configuration to apply the template. You’ll want to go to Account Settings > Upload Configurations, click on the “Weekly Restaurant File” configuration and update the Additional Actions like this:
This means that when you upload new entities using this configuration, we’ll automatically apply the template with all of that content for you.
Hope that helps!
Hi Liz can you help me with page track module assessment of customizing modules. i have customized ‘Text Block’ as said but it is not completing
I’ve created a new topic here: Customizing Pages Module Challenge help - #2 by Liz_Frailey
For help with additional challenges, please create a separate topic.
Hi Vishal, please read this post here: Pages - Module 8 Unit 1 Assessment - #5 by afarooque.
You can search in the community before posting. Please create new topics for any new modules you have questions about. This topic is about Entity Templates.
Thank you!
I’m having a similar issue - after selecting all of my Restaurant type entities (all 57, not just the first 25!) I entered Entity Edit, chose to Apply Template, and selected the New Restaurant Content template from the dropdown. I was able to successfully apply the template to all restaurants and save, but the assessment is still not registering the task as complete. Is there anything I might be missing?
Hey Isabelle,
It actually has to do with the CTA field. You have “Click To Order” instead of “Click to Order” in your template. The rule for checking the template application is case sensitive, unfortunately! If you update the template and re-apply you should be good!
Ah, that worked! Thanks so much.