Revising Pages URL

H i Team,

According to URL Structures | Hitchhikers

Page Builder creates the following URL as a live page.

sub-domain.primary-domain/[[Entity NAME]]-[[HASH#]]

Our partner has asked

Q1. Can we revise this format to sub-domain.primary-domain/[[Entity ID]] like preview url?
(They are using Japanese Entity Name, so, they don’t want to use Japanese URL because the url will be url encoded and is messy if it is pasted on SNS. )

Q2. If we cannot change format, is there any way to calculates HASH# prior to live page?
(They want to provide the URL lists to their customer prior to live pages.)


Hi @Yukio_Yasutake

Thank you for reaching out!

Q1) There will be a feature as part of our September Monthly Release that will allow you to do this! You will be able to swap out the [[name]] field for any field of your choice.

  • Note, this will still include the [[#hash]] at the end of the URL, so your resulting URL structure would be: sub-domain.primary-domain/[[Entity ID]]-[[HASH#]]

  • This will be publicly available around mid-September, but if you reach out to, I can turn on the feature for you sooner.

Q2) There is no way to know the #hashes ahead of time without publishing the pages.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Thank you!! Luc!
I will let them know. Maybe, they will ask enable new feature soon.

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