Step 2: Add the Promotion Vertical to the Search Backend

  1. Navigate to your Search Configuration and select Verticals.

  2. Add a Promotion vertical. You can learn more about how to do that in the Overview of Verticals unit.

  3. By defaut, the name and builtin.entityType are set as searchable fields. However, if there are other terms or queries where you want to return the banner, you can do the following:

    • In the Searchable Fields section, add the keywords field and select Phrase Match. This will trigger the result only if the keyword, or “phrase”, is contained in the query.
  4. Navigate to the Query Rules screen. Add the following query rule:

    • Name: Boost Promotions
    • Criteria: Search Type = Univeral
    • Action: Boost Verticals = Promotions

This query rule will boost the promotions vertical to the top of your universal search for any query where promotion entities are returned.