Step 2: Add Details to your Yext App

Retrieve URLs from SAML Configuration page in Yext

  1. In your Yext account, click on the profile icon at the bottom of the navigation bar.
  2. Click Account Settings. From Account Settings, click SAML Configuration.
  3. Copy the URLs you see in the SAML Configuration page: Single sign on URL, and Audience URI.

SAML Links

Add URLs to Yext app in Azure

  1. Return to Azure and enter the URLs from Yext into the Basic SAML Configuration (Identifier and Reply URL fields) boxes.
  2. Click Save.

Add metadata to Yext

Once you add the relevant URLs into your app in Azure, you will need to add the relevant metadata to your Yext account.

  1. In Azure, download your Federation Metadata XML under number 3. SAML Signing Certificate.
  2. Enter your Certificate (found between the <X509Certificate> start and end tags) and your ID Provider URL (found after the SingleSignOnService Location tag) into Yext.

saml metadata