Step 5: Specify Selectors
The next step is to specify which pieces of that API request you want the Connector to extract, to eventually map to fields on entities.
Add Default Selectors
Click Add Default Selectors to pull in all identified selectors. You will have the option to make any adjustments as needed.
Add Selectors Manually
If you prefer to add selectors manually, follow these steps:
- Click + Add Selector.
- Enter the Header — this will be the column header in your data preview.
- Enter the JMES Path for the specific element you want to extract from your API request.
- Click Save to add one selector, or Save & Add Another to add multiple.
For our Connector we want to pull in ID, Title, Author Name, and Labels, so we will add the following selectors:
- ID:
- Title:
- Author:
- Labels:
Once you have added all of your relevant selectors, you should see a data table with some sample data. Click Continue to save these selectors and move onto the next step.
<% elem.innerText %>