Step 3: Create a Saved Filter for Your Entities


A saved filter is a list of entities that updates based on certain criteria that you set. There are many use cases for saved filters. In Listings, they serve two purposes:

  • Designating which entities should go live on listings
  • Assigning licenses to entities in order to subscribe them to the Yext Listings product

Saved Filters and Licenses

Entities in the Knowledge Graph can be used for many different purposes in Yext. For example, a restaurant franchise might want to do these things with their entities:

  • Launch Listings for Restaurant entities
  • Build an FAQ section on their website, using their FAQ entities and Yext Pages
  • Post to social media for their restaurant locations using Yext Social

Licenses are how Yext determines which services (i.e., Listings, Reviews, Social, Pages) should apply to certain entities. Each type of license is referred to as a license pack.

The easiest way to assign licenses to entities is using saved filter license assignment. This allows you to automatically assign listings to any entities that meet a certain set of criteria, as opposed to assigning licenses manually.

For more information on how licenses and license assignment works, see the How Yext Connects to Publishers, Listings, and Entities training unit.

Creating a Saved Filter

The criteria of your saved filter should align with your business’s requirements to push a listing live. For example, if you don’t want listings to go live until they have a description and a photo, you should add criteria to the saved filter that ensures that those two fields are populated.

For Listings, you should include the following required fields for Google and Facebook in your saved filter criteria:

  • Google Linked Account
  • Google Account ID
  • Facebook Linked Account
  • Facebook Parent Page ID (if you use Facebook parent pages)
You can only launch listings for certain groups of locations at a time (for example, one brand, one country, one region, etc.) during the launch flow. If you plan to launch multiple groups of listings, choose one to start with, and create a saved filter for that group. Then, see the Launch New Locations in the Same Group section for steps to repeat the process with your other groups of listings.

For full instructions on how to set up a saved filter, follow the Automatically Assign Licenses to Entities Using a Saved Filter help article. Skip the final step (“Assign the saved filter to a license pack”), since you’ll do that during the Listings Launch flow.