Step 1: Check the Status of a Duplicate

You can check the status of duplicate listings in your account using the Duplicates: List endpoint.

Endpoint Information:

Permissions Listings: READ
Description Retrieves a list of duplicate listings identified for an account

Example Request:

Example Response:

    "id": "37975024",
    "publisherId": "2FINDLOCAL",
    "locationId": "6915443573468587404",
    "url": "",
    "name": "Dee's Doughnuts",
    "address": "346 Dean St.",
    "phone": "3472012419",
    "latitude": "40.683239",
    "longitude": "-73.980156",
    "status": "UNAVAILABLE",
    "suppressionType": "REDIRECT"

Status Types

Type Description
POSSIBLE_DUPLICATE The listing is flagged as a potential duplicate and can be requested to be suppressed using the Duplicates: Suppress endpoint.
SUPPRESSION_REQUESTED The request to suppress this duplicate is still awaiting feedback from the Publisher.
UNAVAILABLE There was an issue with the suppression request. Listings returned with this status will also display an UnavailableReasons array with a description of the issue, and any steps that can be taken to resolve it.
SUPPRESSED The duplicate has been suppressed.
DELETED Indicates that the potential duplicate was already removed by the Publisher.

The suppression type returned will depend on the publisher. See the Types of Suppression unit for more info on what each type means.