Step 8: Managing Upstream Integrations
Upstream integrations are any system that writes data to a field. If any upstream integrations reference a Legacy Rich Text field, you will need to update it so that it references the new forked field.
Rich Text (v2)
In order to import content into a field using the Rich Text (v2) field type, you will need to supply a valid JSON AST.
If you are importing Markdown or HTML, you can leverage our built-in conversion by adding a Convert to Rich Text transform.
When importing content into a field using the new Markdown type, the content will not be converted. Any data supplied in the import will be preserved as provided, including any additional HTML or plain text.
Steps to Transition
To transition to using a Rich Text (v2) field in an existing connector, you will need to edit the Mapping step of the connector.
- Remove the legacy field from the mapping and replace it with your new field.
- If the new field is of the Rich Text (v2) type, specify that you want to map to the JSON subfield.
- If the new field is of the Markdown type, specify that you want to map to the Markdown subfield.
To transition to using a Rich Text (v2) or Markdown field in an existing connector, you just need to change the mapping step of the connector from the Legacy Rich Text (v1) field to your new associated Markdown field. You’ll want to specify that you want to map to the Markdown subfield.
Entities Management API
Rich Text (v2)
Content must be supplied to the Entities Management API in the JSON AST format. In order to convert content from HTML or Markdown to the AST, you can leverage Lexical’s library directly. You can view these sample programs leveraging Lexical’s library to convert content from Markdown to AST and HTML to AST.
Another option is to send your API requests through Connectors, so that you can leverage the built-in transforms mentioned above.
When importing content into a Markdown-type field, the content will not be converted. Any data supplied will be preserved as provided, including any HTML.
To transition usage, you will need to change all instances where data is sent to a Legacy Rich Text (v1) field to reference the ID of the new Markdown field.
Upload Configurations
If you have any entity upload configurations that reference a Legacy Rich Text field, edit the upload configuration under Knowledge Graph > Configuration > Upload Configurations.
Select the upload configuration you wish to edit, remove the legacy field, and replace it with the new field.