Step 1: Export Entity as of a Specific Date


Users are able to roll back changes to entities up to 30 days prior to the current date by using the entity export tool in the platform.

In order to roll back entities, you first need to export the previous data that was stored in the platform for that entity or set of entities.

A couple notes before you get started:

  • You can only export active profiles and fields at this time. If a user attempts to export an inactive language profile, it will appear blank in the export file, even if the user exports an entity “as of” a date before the language profile was removed. Deleted fields and entities cannot be exported at this time.
  • Entities can only be exported as of 30 days prior to the current date.

Export Entity Data

  1. Click Content in the navigation bar and click Entities.
  2. To export and roll back one entity, select the checkbox next to the entity you would like to export. Otherwise select the checkboxes next to the relevant set of entities you want to export.
    • Note: We recommend only rolling back entities of the same type in bulk. If you must roll back entities of different types, it is ideal to roll back changes on shared fields (e.g., Name, Description).
  3. Click on the More Actions button and select Export Entities.
  4. In the Data Format section, click Edit in the “Export Data as of” row.
  5. Select Past Date and select the date and time you want to roll the entity back to, then click Save. past date selected in export configuration
  6. Review the remaining Data Format and File Format settings, and select your desired options. Then click Continue.
  7. Select the fields you wish to overwrite with the rolled back version of your entity. If you wish to roll back the entire entity profile, including all fields, click the “Select All” checkbox. Then, click Continue.
    • Note: One of the “Entity ID” or “Yext ID” fields must be selected in order to overwrite entity profile data.

The system will generate your export and initiate a download to your device.
