Step 2: Configure an Auth0 Developer Account

Once you’ve created a (free!) Auth0 developer account , you’ll need to add users and then create an App to link the IDP to your Yext Site.

Add Users

  1. Navigate to User Management, Users.
  2. Click “Create User” to add users to your Auth0 Account.

Create an App

  1. Navigate to Applications > Applications on the left panel
  2. Click “Create Application”
  3. Give your app a name
  4. Choose Regular Web Application as your application type
  5. Under Settings, add your Allowed Callback URLs
  6. You can choose to add your production and/or staging link, which can be obtained from the Yext Platform as configured in Part 1.
  7. After copying and pasting your link, append “/oauth/callback” and make sure to add “https://” to the beginning of the URL
  8. Click Save Changes
  9. Navigate to Addons and enable SAML2 Web App.

Next, you’ll want to navigate back to the settings tab on your app and take note of the generated Client ID and Client Secret, and domain, which you will need for the next part.

If you didn’t already, you’ll also want to navigate to User Management and make sure that you have the correct set of users assigned to your app.