Step 1: Create a Site in Yext Platform

If you are using PagesJS version 1.0.0 or higher, refer to the Site-Level Authentication section of the Authentication reference doc for how to associate your auth policy to your site.

First, navigate to your repository. We imagine that you have your repo ready for deployment. Before you begin, you’ll need to add a sites-config folder to your repo. In this folder, add a file titled auth.json. The file should look like this:

  "policyName" : "example-okta-policy" 

You can choose any policy name you like, but make sure to take note of it as you will need it the next step of this guide.

Next, follow the same steps as usual to configure and deploy your site. Your initial deploy is pushed to a placeholder URL which is not yet protected by OAuth. Also note that we expect your deploy to fail, as the security policy you’ve linked the Site to does not yet exist.