Challenges and Playground Accounts | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • The steps to complete a challenge
  • How playground accounts work
  • Where to create new playground accounts


As you progress through tracks and modules, you’ll take challenge assessments to test your skills in a playground account, which is a Yext sandbox environment.

In this unit, you’ll learn more about how challenges and playground accounts work.


Challenges are where you have the opportunity to get your hands dirty in a Yext account to put your learning to the test. Throughout the challenges, you’ll be presented with various scenarios for Turtlehead Tacos, the fictional brand you’ll be working with throughout Hitchhikers.

There are three main steps to completing a challenge:

  1. Launch the challenge
  2. Complete the tasks in the challenge
  3. Submit the challenge for grading

Launching a Challenge

Launch a challenge by clicking the OPEN CHALLENGE button.

open challenge

This will create a playground account where you will complete the challenge. Playground accounts are designed to be temporary and will expire after five days.

Each challenge will create a new playground account for you. This means that if you skip a module or take a challenge multiple times, you don’t have to worry about your challenge account not working. However, it also means that if you do any extra work in a playground account, it will not carry through to the next challenge.

Completing Challenge Tasks

Follow the instructions provided on the challenge. Make sure to read the instructions carefully for each step.

example challenge instructions

Submit your Work

When you’ve finished the steps, submit your work to evaluate the challenge. If you did everything correctly, fantastic! You’ll see your points increase and you can move on to the next module. If you did not, you will see a description of which step was not done correctly. Review the instructions for that step, fix any mistakes, and re-submit.

example grading response

If at any point you need to restart the challenge and want to try again with a fresh account, you can do so by clicking on the dropdown and selecting RESTART CHALLENGE.

restart challenge

Creating Playground Accounts

Want to play around in an account outside of a challenge? No problem! You can create a new playground account anytime by clicking on your name in the top-right and selecting New next to Playground Accounts in the dropdown, or by going to your Hitchhikers Profile and scrolling down to + New Account. (You’ll learn more about your profile in the next unit.)

create playground account from main navigation

create playground account from profile

Enter an account name and click “Create”. These accounts are meant to be temporary and will only be accessible for 90 days after creation.

In the next unit, you’ll learn more about your Hitchhikers profile and how to keep earning points and badges.

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    Error Success Question 1 of 2

    True or false: You can only create one playground account to use for challenges on Hitchhikers.

    Error Success Question 2 of 2

    How can you create a new playground account?

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