Common Template Use Cases | Yext Hitchhikers Platform
What You’ll Learn
In this section, you will learn:
- When to use entity templates
- Value of entity templates
Why Templates Help
Templates help you in two major ways:
1. Saving you time: Templates help you fill out content once so that you don’t have to do it every time.
2. Making sure your data is consistent: If you are applying templates to entities then you can make sure that data is consistent.
Common Use Cases
There are a number of different use cases for Templates:
New Entity Templates: We strongly recommend that you create a template for new entities for each entity type in your account with any standard content. For example, a “New Location Template” might contain the logo, categories, basic photos, any common promotions, a description (ideally with embedded fields!), and any standard Listings fields like Google cover photo, linked accounts, etc. You can apply the template to new entities in the Entity Upload, Entity Add Screen, or via the API.
Closed Entity Templates: When locations, doctors, or agents close, you might want to keep the entities live in search experiences with a “Closed Store Strategy”. You can include things like closed flag, featured message and website directing users to the locator or next nearest location, and business hours.
Seasonal Updates: You can easily put your seasonal updates into a template. This keeps all of your content in one place and makes it easy to apply to any new entities.