Module Assessment | Yext Hitchhikers Platform
You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.
The CEO, Marty, cares a lot about the diner experience – and nothing is worse than showing up to a restaurant hungry only to find out the restaurant is closed! He asks you if you’re able to easily identify all of the restaurants that don’t have hours set.
You also want to make sure that you can publish only Restaurants that are open to Pages and Search (when the time comes for that).
Your Challenge
Create an advanced filter for all Restaurant entities that don’t have the business hours field filled out.
- Save the filter with the name “Hours Data Check”
- Save the filter with the name “Hours Data Check”
Clear your filter. Create a new saved filter for all Restaurant entities where ‘Closed’ is set to ‘No’.
- Save the filter with the name “Open Restaurants”
Module Assessment
+<% util.points %> points
You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.
Challenge account expires in <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) : util.expirationHours %> <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? (Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) == 1 ? 'day' : 'days') : (util.expirationHours == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours') %>.
Challenge account has expired. Please create a new account.
Report Card
Add a saved filter for Restaurants without hours set
Add a saved filter called Open Restaurants with Entity Type equal to Restaurant and Closed equal to No
Previous Submissions
Attempt #<% submission.attemptNumber %>
<% %>
Score: <% submission.numericScore %>
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