Module Assessment | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.


Now that Turtlehead Tacos has finished building out their site in English, they want to add a Spanish version. They don’t have all of the content translated yet, but they want to get started with their Locations and FAQ entity types.

You’ll turn on the Multi-Language feature, update the field behavior for some custom fields, add in some translations to options, types and fields, and then upload your FAQ entities.

Before we dive in, let’s think about what content we need to have translated for FAQs and Restaurants, if we want the same fields searchable and surfaced as we do in English.

For FAQs:

Search Configuration - Searchable Fields

  • Entity Type
  • Keywords (language specific)
  • Name (language specific)

Frontend - Result Card

  • Name (language specific)
  • Answer (language specific)
  • Primary CTA (language specific)

For Restaurants:

Search Configuration - Searchable Fields

  • Entity Type
  • Address
  • Promoting Events (custom field)
  • Restaurant Features (custom field) (option field)
  • Restaurant Type (custom field) (option field)
  • Phone
  • Name

Frontend - Result Card

  • Name
  • Website URL
  • Hours
  • Restaurant Features (custom field) (option field)
  • Phone

This analysis will help us decide which field names or field options to translate and which fields need translated content. For any of the custom fields above, we need to translate the field name itself for the algorithm. If the field is language specific, we need to provide content translations as well.

Your Challenge

  1. Navigate to Account Settings > Account Features and turn on the Multi-Language Profiles feature.

  2. Next, let’s update the custom field multi-language behavior for fields that you’ll be using. Navigate to Knowledge Graph > Configuration > Fields and change the field behavior for the following fields by clicking into the field and updating the Language Behavior section:

    • Active on Answers - change to Overridable so that by default entities are added across all profiles, but you can always choose to override for a specific language

    • Primary CTA - change to Language Specific since this is a string

    Need a refresh on Custom Fields? Check out the Fields module .

  3. You want to keep your option custom fields as primary only, but you need to add in translations for the fields you’re using for Search indexing or display. You can do this by navigating to the field details screen for an option custom field, clicking to edit the Field Settings and clicking “+Add Translation”. Update the following Custom Fields with the provided option translations for “Spanish” (select exactly “Spanish”, not a Spanish variation):

    • Restaurant Features:

      • Outdoor Seating - Asientos al abierto
      • Live Music - Música del vivo
      • Accepting Reservations - Acepta reservas
      • Dog Friendly - Permite mascotas
      • Breakfast for Dinner - Desayuno para la cena
      • Sells Merchandise - Vende Mercancías
    • Restaurant Type

      • Food Truck - Camión de comida
      • Dine-in Restaurant - Restaurante para cenar
  4. In addition to adding translations for the options, you’ll want to add in translation for custom fields that you’ll be using in Search indexing (and custom entity types if you’re using any). Click into the following custom fields and add the provided transation for “Spanish” in the Name field:

    • Restaurant Features - Características del Restaurante
    • Restaurant Type - Tipo de Restaurante
    • Promoting Events - Promoción de eventos
  5. Now that you’ve finished up the configuration, let’s start adding profiles. You want to add Spanish “es” profiles for all Restaurants and FAQs. Navigate to Entity Search, do an advanced filter where “Entity Type” is Restaurant OR FAQ, select all 67 entities and click “Edit”.

  6. In the Languages module on the right of bulk edit, click to “+Add Language”. Start typing in “Spanish” and select “Spanish” (make sure NOT to select a Spanish variant like “Spanish - Colombia”). Click Add to proceed. Now you have your Spanish profiles!

  7. It’s time to add your FAQs. Let’s update one manually. Navigate to FAQ-1 - “Do you sell gift cards?”. Click into the Spanish profile. Add the following translations:

    • Name field - “Vende tarjetas de regalo?”
    • Answer field - “Seguro! Que mejor regalo que una tarjeta de regalo de tacos? también, por un período de tiempo limitado, te ofrecemos un bonus de 5 $ para todas las compras que hagas con la tarjeta de regalo!”
    • Primary CTA > Label - “Compra ahora”
    • Primary CTA > Link - “”
    • Keyword - “Tarjeta de regalo”

    Congrats you’ve updated your first multi-language profile!

  8. These are very text-heavy entities so you’ll want to upload the rest of these using a spreadsheet, which you can download from Spanish FAQs file . Note that Column B contains a “Profile Language” field with “es” (the language code) as the value. This will update the “es” profile for the entity IDs specified in Column A. Need a refresher on the upload? Check out the Entity Upload module .

  9. When the upload is finished, navigate to a few of the FAQs to check your work.

Module Assessment
+<% util.points %> points
Weekly Challenge Streak Weekly Challenge Streak: <% util.streakWeekly %>
You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.
Challenge account expires in <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) : util.expirationHours %> <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? (Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) == 1 ? 'day' : 'days') : (util.expirationHours == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours') %>.
Challenge account has expired. Please create a new account.
Report Card
Turn on Multi language account feature
Update the ML Behavior for Active on Answers field to be overridable and Primary CTA to be language specific
Add translations for custom field options for Restaurant Type and Restaurant Feature fields
Add translation for the restaurant type, restaurant features, and promoting events fields
Add spanish profiles for restaurant and faq entities
Upload the FAQ Spanish profiles
Previous Submissions
Attempt #<% submission.attemptNumber %>
<% %>
Score: <% submission.numericScore %>