Create Custom Insights | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • An overview of the report builder
  • How to create custom insights
  • How to check the latest date data is available
  • How to save reports and add reports to dashboards

Report Builder Overview

Yext’s Report Builder allows you to dig deep into your data. You can easily view and filter the data however you want, slicing any metric (including custom metrics) by a variety of dimensions.

You have the ability to choose from over 50 metrics and 80 dimensions, as well as multiple graph options make it easy to create and customize visualizations. Plus, we’re always adding more metrics, dimensions, and filters in our releases for you to analyze your data in new and relevant ways.

Overall, our Report Builder lets your data team open the hood to create custom graphs or datasets to fit whatever specific insights you need.

Default Reports

By default, accounts will be auto-populated with a series of basic reports. These will help you get started with a series of relevant metrics. You can view these as they are, or you can take them as a jumping off point to create your own metrics.

basic reports list

Create a Custom Insight

You then have the ability to create insights with the metrics and dimensions you’re most interested in. To get started:

  1. Click Analytics in the navigation bar and click Report Builder.
  2. Click on the + Add New Report button in the top right corner of the page.

add new report

Configure your Insight

Select your desired Chart type

You can choose between a variety of options based on what will best reflect the data you are manipulating.

chart type

Select your desired Time Range

Otherwise, it will default to the last 14 days. If you click + Comparison to Previous, you can select a time period to compare your selected date range to.

  • Note: This option is not available for all metrics and cannot be used when selecting multiple metrics.

date range

Add Metrics, Dimensions and Filter

Click + Add Metric to add additional metrics.

  • Note: If any Metric, Dimension, or Filter is not clickable, it is not available within the parameters you have selected.

Metrics are broken out by product area, including: Locations, Listings, Pages, Conversion Tracking, etc. All in all there are over 50 different metrics to choose from, and you can add up to 10 different metrics to the same report.

report metrics

Then, click + Add Dimension to add an additional dimension. For example, you may want to look at Reviews by Site, or Google Customer Actions by the day of the week. You can dimension the data however you like, by adding up to two dimensions per insight.

add dimension

Finally, you can click Add Filter to apply additional filters to your data. For example, if you are looking at Google Customer Actions by the day of the week, you may want to filter that to a specific entity, or filter to a specific type of action.

filter by

Data Available Through Date

When selecting the desired time range, keep in mind different data sources will have data available through different dates. Listings data is typically delayed for quality assurance checks to ensure the data we share is of the highest quality. Delayed data is marked with the Watermark Date to show the latest date data is available through. Learn more about the Analytics Watermark Date for Listings in the Listings Metrics unit .

Analytics reports (and dashboards) automatically handle data lag between different Yext products. They are responsive to the products you selected - dynamic filters (such as Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, etc.) will automatically adjust their time windows based on the product(s) that are being displayed - making it easy to always see the most complete picture of data possible:

  • Reports on single products show the most up-to-date data for that product. For Search-only reporting, this is typically through yesterday.
  • Reports on multiple products shows data through the latest date data is available for all products to ensure reporting on the same time period.

When picking metrics in Report Builder, a dynamic message will appear with the date data is available through for each data source and for the report as a whole.

dynamic data date in report builder

Save Reports

Once you create your report and are ready to save it, you can choose from the following options:

  • Save to Saved Reports: This report will remain in the Saved Reports Section of the right sidebar. The reports in this section are only visible to you.
  • Save to Account Reports: This report will live in the Account Reports section of the right sidebar, and this report will be visible to everyone in the account.

Save Reports to Dashboard

An additional option is saving reports to Dashboards (you can learn more about Dashboards in the Analytics Dashboard module .

save to dashboard

Here you can add a name for the report, a description, and you can select which dashboard you would like to add the report to.

If you would like this custom insight to replace an existing custom insight on your dashboards, select the Replace a Custom Insight checkbox and choose which insight you would like to replace.

replace an insight

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    Error Success Question 1 of 3

    Where can you save your custom insights? (Select all that apply)

    Error Success Question 2 of 3

    Which of the following can you adjust on your custom insights? (Select all that apply)

    Error Success Question 3 of 3

    True or False: Custom insights with multiple products will include all data available for each product

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