Updates in Pages | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • An overview of the new Pages features from the Fall ‘22 Release

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New Release Features
For a full list of features, visit the Fall ‘22 Release Notes .

CLI Improvements

For this release, we have made improvements to the CLI — now, local development only requires one command, yext pages new to get started. This allows developers to start a project by cloning starter templates and previewing locally within seconds.

The yext pages new command initiates a flow that helps users clone repositories, install dependencies, and configure GitHub remote repositories.

yext pages new command return response

Additionally, the new command npm run build:serve allows you to make a production build to check your work before triggering a new deployment.

How This Impacts You

If you’re a developer building sites on Pages, this feature is for you! This feature allows developers building on Pages to get up and running on Pages faster. The yext pages new command covers all the commands in the Create Your Site unit used to build your site. Then npm run dev can be used to preview your site locally, just as described in the unit.

Additionally, the new command npm run build:serve allows you to make a production build to check your work before triggering a new deployment.

Feature Availability

These improvements are available via the CLI, so users can start taking advantage of them today. Make sure to update your Yext CLI to the latest version.

Additional Resources

Point-in-Time Backups

New Point-in-Time Backups allow users to view and deploy a previous version of their website as it existed at any given point in the past (this includes both the template code as well as any pre-rendered Knowledge Graph data).

For example, if an ETL/connector introduced a bug and cleared out important data, you can revert your site back to a version before the bug was introduced. This gives your team valuable time to troubleshoot the issue while the live production content remains safe.

Deploying a backup to production can be accomplished in three steps:

  1. Select a backup timestamp
  2. Preview your site backup
  3. Deploy your backup to production

How This Impacts You

Keep this feature in the back of your mind in case a bug or corrupt dataset makes its way into your production site and you need some time to troubleshoot the issue (versus instantly publishing a previous bug-free deploy, for example). You can deploy a backup version of your site as it existed at any previous point in time - right down to the second.

While this feature is technically for disaster recovery, you can also use it to quickly preview what your pages looked like in the past using UNIX timestamps!

Feature Availability

Note: You must be on the new Pages architecture to take advantage of Point-in-Time Backups.

To turn on this feature in your account, navigate to Account Settings > Account Features and select Fall ‘22: Point-in-Time Backups (early access).

Additional Resources

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    Error Success Question 1 of 2

    If you already have a Pages site you want to use, should you run the new `yext pages new` command?

    Error Success Question 2 of 2

    What types of changes would be reverted for a Point-in-Time Backup?

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