Module Assessment | Yext Hitchhikers Platform
You can think of a couple use cases for embedded fields that will make managing the Turtlehead Tacos data a lot easier for you so you can focus on other tasks. This includes:
- Localizing the description field so you can set it once but have it be localized
- Embedding the Landing Page URL (which is where Yext Pages publishes the landing page URL automatically when the pages go live) in the Website field (which goes to listings)
Your Challenge
Hint - make sure that you are selecting all restaurants for your bulk edit, and not just the first 25.
Bulk edit all restaurants to include “Visit us in [[]], [[address.region]] today!” at the end of the description (add it to the end of the paragraph).
Bulk edit all restaurants to include [[landingPageUrl]] in the Website URL field for both URL and Display URL.
Bulk edit all Restaurants to update the Restaurant Promotions field with the following 3 promotions:
Promotion 1
title: Tacos & Tots Tuesdays
Description: Order two tacos and get free tots on Tuesdays.
URL: [[landingPageUrl]]
Promotion 2
title: 2-for-1 Champagne Margaritas
Description: Buy one Champagne Margarita and get your second on the house. Cheers!
URL: [[landingPageUrl]]
Promotion 3
title: Fiesta Package
Description: Having a party? Let Turtlehead Tacos help! Call today to inquire about our Fiesta Package.
URL: [[landingPageUrl]]
Make sure that you are selecting all of the right entities when you bulk edit. By default, clicking the checkbox to select all entities will only select the entities shown on the first page. To select more entities, click the dropdown menu displaying the number of entities selected. Then, choose to select all in active filter.