Module Assessment | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.


The latest Turtlehead Tacos restaurant you added is opening in 1 week!

You also want to make sure that seasonal content gets scheduled before you forget… after all, you’re going on a well-deserved vacation this holiday season.

Your Challenge

  1. Create a scheduled update for the entity ID 1000 (created in the Templates challenge) to add the business hours to be from 11am-11pm daily starting 1 week from today. To do this, navigate to Knowledge Graph > Entities, click into the entity and click “+ Add Date” on the Scheduled Updates module on the right.

  2. You also just got the location’s phone number (for entity ID 1000). Add a scheduled update for the same date for the Main Phone field with the phone number 703-555-8070.

    Note: Do not revert the content – this is a one-time change

  3. Select all restaurants for bulk edit and apply the “Seasonal Content” template you created in the Templates Challenge for the next winter holiday season (you get to pick the date!).

Module Assessment
+<% util.points %> points
Weekly Challenge Streak Weekly Challenge Streak: <% util.streakWeekly %>
You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.
Challenge account expires in <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) : util.expirationHours %> <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? (Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) == 1 ? 'day' : 'days') : (util.expirationHours == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours') %>.
Challenge account has expired. Please create a new account.
Report Card
Schedule updates to the Phone and Hours fields for Entity ID 1000
Apply the Seasonal Content entity template to the next holiday season for all restaurant entities
Previous Submissions
Attempt #<% submission.attemptNumber %>
<% %>
Score: <% submission.numericScore %>