Module Assessment | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.


The Turtlehead Team is really impressed with the work that you’ve put into the project so far and they realize that they can store even more data in Yext, specifically Jobs, so that the information can later be featured in Search and Pages. They are still using their ATS (Applicant Tracking System - in this case, Greenhouse) as the source of truth for the data and they plan to turn on the Yext/Greenhouse App Directory App to sync the data long term so that when they add new open positions to Greenhouse they are automatically synced to Yext

For now, you need to:

  • Enable additional entity types in Yext
  • Add some additional custom fields
  • Do an initial upload of the data and save the upload configuration
  • Add an entity template
  • Folder the job entities
  • Add a user with access to the Jobs folder from the Recruiting team

Before you start this challenge, make sure you’ve completed all of the modules in this track. The instructions are meant to challenge you and will provide less detail at each step than in the feature-specific modules. Don’t hesitate to reference past modules if you’re stuck or can’t remember!

Your Challenge

  1. Enable the Job type in Yext and review the built-in fields that come with it so you’re familiar with its schema.

  2. Download the jobs file that the Turtlehead team sent and review the fields to determine what kinds of fields you should create to store the data that they’re sending. For example, you should notice that they are providing Job Qualifications with rich text in markdown format, so you’ll definitely need to add a Rich Text field.

  3. Update the fields on the Job Entity Type and create new custom fields. Fields should include:

    In Core Information Section:

    • Job Department, c_jobDepartment, single-option select with Marketing, Finance, Operations, Restaurant Team, Culinary Creations, Legal, HR, and Other – (note: make sure you do NOT set this as multi-option select and make sure that you do NOT check off “Make it a List”)

    In Job Details Section:

    • Job Qualifications, c_jobQualifications, Rich Text V2
    • Benefits, c_benefits, Text List
    • Associated FAQs, c_associatedFAQs, Entity Relationship - One Way, validation set to only FAQs

    In Media Section:

    • Job Photo, c_jobPhoto, Photo
  4. All of the corporate jobs are at the Turtlehead Tacos headquarters so you want to create a location entity for that.

    • First, you will need to enable the Location entity type (since you don’t want to make this a Restaurant).
    • Then create the following entity (don’t forget about the entity ID!):

      Entity Type: Location
      Name: Turtlehead Tacos Headquarters
      Address Line 1: 100 Congress Ave
      City: Austin
      State/Region: TX
      Postal Code: 78701
      Phone: 800-415-5555
      Entity ID: hq-1
  5. Add an Entity Template called “New Jobs” so you can apply it when you add new job entities. Include the following fields:

  6. Download the jobs file and then upload it to the platform.

    • The file doesn’t include a column for Entity Type or Country, which are required fields for all new entities. You should either:

      • Add the columns to the file and fill in the value “Job” and “US” respectively
      • Or, you can add Additional Fields on the Configure File step. (Don’t remember how Additional Fields work in upload? Head back to the Uploading Data Module for a refresher.)
    • Make sure to set it so that any New Entities apply the “New Jobs” template.

  7. Save the Entity Upload Configuration as “Job File”

  8. Folder just the jobs by the Job Department field. To do this:

    • Navigate to Knowledge Graph > Configuration and click ‘Folders’ in the sidebar.
    • Click “Create Initial Structure”.
    • Update the “Structure Type” to be “Entity Type Specific” and click save.
    • Click into the Structure field to edit. Add a subfolder level under Jobs with the Job Department field.
    • Click “Reorganize Folders” and then refresh the screen once complete.
Module Assessment
+<% util.points %> points
Weekly Challenge Streak Weekly Challenge Streak: <% util.streakWeekly %>
You must include a first name and last name in your profile to create challenge environments.
Challenge account expires in <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) : util.expirationHours %> <% util.expirationHours > 24 ? (Math.round((util.expirationHours * 1.0) / 24) == 1 ? 'day' : 'days') : (util.expirationHours == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours') %>.
Challenge account has expired. Please create a new account.
Report Card
Enable the Job and Location Entity Types
Add the Job Department custom field
Add the Job Qualifications custom field
Add the Job Photo custom field
Add the Benefits custom field
Add the Associated FAQs custom field
Add the new custom fields to the Job entity type
Add new location-type entity with ID hq-1
Create New Jobs entity template
Upload the jobs file
Folder the Job entities by the Job Department field
Add a saved upload configuration for the Job File
Common Issues
Did you add the right field type? expand/collapse module

Make sure you add the field type specified in the instructions? Some common mistakes include

  • Adding a field of type Complex Photo, instead of Photo
  • Adding a field of type single-option select instead of multi-option select, or vice versa
  • Adding a field of type multiline text instead of single-line text, or vice versa

Double check the instructions and make sure you’re adding the right field type!

Make sure you spelled the custom display name and API name exactly. expand/collapse module
You need to spell the custom field’s display name and API name exactly as specified in the challenge.
Don't remember how to use Data Cleansing Rules? expand/collapse module
You can refresh how Data Cleansing rules work in Unit 2 . To update a Data Cleansing rule, you need to modify the row in the Configure File step. This can save you a lot of time in Excel applying formulas to make your data consumer-ready.
Forget to Save the Upload Configuration? expand/collapse module
To save an upload configuration from a past upload, navigate to Account Settings > Data File Uploads. Click on Details for any successful upload in your history to view the Upload Summary page. From here, you can save the Upload Configuration by naming it in the Configuration Name field and clicking save. Fun fact - you can also do things like download the original file, download a summary of your changes, or download files for any category of changes.
Previous Submissions
Attempt #<% submission.attemptNumber %>
<% %>
Score: <% submission.numericScore %>