How to Launch on Google | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • How to launch locations on Google Business Profile


As we mentioned in a previous unit, Google, Facebook, and Apple all require additional steps for launch that are specific to that publisher and therefore need to be launched individually. Users will submit additional information for these sites and this information will be reviewed by internal teams at Yext to configure the appropriate settings.

How to launch locations on Google Business Profile

You can simply click Listings in the navigation bar and click All Listings. Then, click on the More Actions button and select Listings Launch from the drop-down menu.

request launch dropdown

Once you click Listings Launch, click on the Google Business Profile icon.

initiate listings launch

This will launch the Google Business Profile Launch form. In the launch form you will include the following information:

  1. Select the entities you would like to launch on Google Business Profile.
  2. Grant Yext Access to Manage your Location Group.

  3. Enter the desired Brand Settings for your Google Business Profile listings.

    • Enter your Brand Names and Location Group Names, and indicate whether you would like to give Yext access to initiate ownership conflict resolution on your behalf. second steps in Google launch form
  4. Select your Field Settings.

    • This allows you to enable or disable the syncing of certain fields in the platform to Google Business Profile. Note that these settings are applied account-wide.
    • For more information on the Publisher Configuration, see the Which Data Sync to Listings module. last steps in Google launch form

Once you click Request Launch the site will be marked with a green checkmark that says Requested.

google launched indicator

A ticket will then be submitted to Yext’s internal teams to review and make sure we have all the necessary information. If additional information is required, Yext will follow up. Otherwise, we will work to sync the listings.

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    Error Success Question 1 of 2

    Which of the following will you fill out in the Google Business Profile launch form? (Select all that apply)

    Error Success Question 2 of 2

    True or False, once you request the launch your Listings will sync right away.

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