Monitoring App Usage | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • How to view App usage within the developer console
  • How to set up notifications
  • How to view API logs

Monitoring API Usage across all Apps

As a reminder, each account in Yext has a rate limit of the number of requests (API calls) that can be sent per hour. This rate limits differs by which API you are using: the Management API or the Content Delivery API. The Management API is capped at 5,000 requests per hour (RPH) and the Content Delivery API is capped at 100,000 RPH. The Analytics endpoint has a separate rate limit of 1,000 RPH. You’ll learn more about APIs in a later unit, and you can read more in our developer documentation about rate limits here .

Because of these limits, it’s important to understand your App usage as each App or project contributes to the same quota. The first thing you’ll see in the Developer Console overview page is the API Usage Summary. This outlines the Peak RPH for both the Management API and Content Delivery API, and indicates if you are going over your designated rate limit. If you are, you may need to consider throttling (slowing down/spacing out) your API calls.

The graph below shows a line indicating the number of requests made per hour. You can select the Management API or Content Delivery API boxes to toggle between graphs for each, or use the arrow to view each graph. If you want to see the peak RPH for each App, simply select View App Details to view this on the App level.

API Usage Overview Screen


Notifications are an easy way to monitor your App usage and API errors without needing to log into the Yext platform. There are three options for notifications:

  • Quota Utilization
  • Error Rate
  • Warning Rate

API Usage Notifications

To set up a notification, navigate to the Developer Console and select Notifications at the top of the page. Then select Edit next to the type of notification you would like to create. Enter the email address of the user who should receive the email and the percentage number at which you would like to trigger the notification.

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    Error Success Question 1 of 2

    Why do I need to monitor App usage?

    Error Success Question 2 of 2

    What are the rate limits for the Management API and the Content Delivery API, respectively?

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