Module Assessment | Yext Hitchhikers Platform
You got some feedback from the team that the Events vertical frontend could be improved to make the interface more engaging. You haven’t actually specified anything for it in the frontend so there’s no vertical page and no result card. Let’s add a new event page and use the built-in event card!
You were also given a handful of other changes for the existing FAQs and Restaurants verticals that you can incorporate.
Your Challenge
Navigate to Pages > Brand Search > Deploys. Go to the Code Editor, and click into the master branch.
This is your Search frontend repo! You should expect this to take a couple minutes to load – in the background, it’s starting up a container for your development.
When the page loads, click on “View Live Preview” to open in a new tab. Run a search for “events” – you’ll see a section for “events” (note the lowercase) with a table of whitespace and no vertical tab. This is because you haven’t specified any information about the events vertical in your frontend. We’ll do that now.
NoteAs you click around and run searches, you might notice a few verticals appear without cards. Don’t be alarmed - this is because we’ve configured the backend already, but haven’t set up the results in the frontend yet. We’ll do this in the next few modules.Create the Events page. Click on Tools > Jambo Commands and select “Add Vertical”. Use the setup:
- Page Name: “events”
- Update the
- this should be the same as theverticalKey
in your Search configuration. Open up your Search configuration in a separate tab to verify. - Card Name: “event-standard” - this will use the event card built in to the theme
- Page Template “vertical-standard”
Configure the
config > events.json
file properties:- Update
to be “Event Search”.
- Update
Open the Code Editor console by clicking on Tools > Console. Whenever you make a change and click out of the code editor, we will automatically initiate a fresh build of your site so you can preview your changes. Click out of the code editor, wait for the console to say the update was completed and return to your Live Preview tab and do a hard refresh for the “events” query. Look at what a difference!
Run a search for “restaurants”. Your restaurant vertical is looking sad. Let’s make it a bit better. Open up the
config > restaurants.json
file.- Update the
from “standard” to “location-standard” so it’s optimized for location-based entities. - Update
to “Restaurant Search” to be more specific as that’s a best practice for search engines.
- Update the
Click out of the Code Editor, wait for the console to say the update was completed. Then return to your Live Preview tab and do a hard refresh for the “restaurants” query. Look at what a difference!
Run a search for “faqs”. Notice the cards are not displaying the FAQ answer. We’re using the new rich text field for the
that appears on the card, so we have to configure the backend to send data in the updated format.Navigate to the JSON editor for your Search config. Then add the top-level property
and set it to true. It’ll look like this:{ "$schema": "", "$id": "brand-search", "name": "Brand Search", "verticals": {}, "richTextV2ToHTML": true, }
Refresh Live Preview to see the change. Now that FAQ cards are showing content, you decide you want to configure the page a bit:
- Update the
to “FAQ Search” - Change the
for the FAQ vertical. In theverticalsToConfig
object you’ll see a property called “label” that is commented out. Remove the//
and update the property to “Frequently Asked Questions”.
Pro-tip: You can easily comment in / comment out code by using your keyboard commands! Try
cmd + /
on a Mac orctrl + /
on Windows.- Update the
Click out of the code editor, wait for the console to say the update was successful and return to your Live Preview tab and do a hard refresh. Run a search for “faqs”. Look at what a difference!
Commit your changes and add a commit message.
Monitor the deploy of the site.
Click into your staging link and run searches for “events” and “faqs”, just to make sure everything is working properly.
Here are some things to double check:
- Do you have proper comma and quotation syntax for JSON? Look out for red underlines and indicators on the scroll bar in the code editor for errors.
- The vertical key is case sensitive. Make sure the
matches exactly to the vertical key in your Search configuration. (For example,faqs
instead ofFAQs
.) - There are two places you have to add the vertical key for each vertical page: in the top level and in the
object. Check to make sure the vertical key is present in both. - Make sure you remove the
< >
characters anywhere it says< REPLACE ME >
. - Make sure the page names are exactly as specified. For example, it should be “Event Search,” not “Events Search.”
- The card names must exactly match the card names in the theme or in your Cards directory.