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module Quiz
+100 points
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Question 1 of 3
Turtlehead Tacos wants to define a few attributes of the company, so that it can be used in a function. This includes the year it was founded, the founder, and the address of the company headquarters. What would be the best JavaScript element to store this data in?
Question 2 of 3
Turtlehead Tacos is hoping to display a dynamic counter on the page to show how many people have visited their website and how many people have placed online orders. You have to write a function that accepts two parameters siteVisitors and onlineOrders, and inputs it into this string - “We have had 1,000,000 visitors to our site and received 10,000 online orders today!”. What would be helpful to use in your function?
Question 3 of 3
You created an object companyDetails to store a few attributes about Turtlehead Tacos. You also want to store a list of the founders’ names. What’s the best data type for this?
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