Answers Advanced: Module 5 Assessment

Hey team-

Having some trouble with the Module 5 Assessment. I think I completed everything (and had a second set of eyes - the incredible Susie Xu - take a look) and I can’t figure out what exactly is going wrong. A couple of things that seemingly went awry:

  1. Up until Step 8 I was able to get the front-end sorting looking fine, but the results didn’t update when I clicked on an option (ie I could see the toggle for Event Date, but nothing happened when I clicked it).
  2. After completing the rest of the steps, seemingly Events have disappeared altogether? I’m not sure if this is something having to do with the Search Config JSON but it seems to be formatted correctly and I didn’t get an error when trying to save.

If helpful, the error Susie is getting is visible here.

Very likely that I’m missing something obvious, but can you take a look and let me know what it is that’s missing?

Thanks so much,

Hi Hannah,

We’re looking into this now. It seems to be an issue with your account - nothing that you did wrong. We’re hoping that this should be working for you shortly.

That said, it looks like what you have is almost perfect - the only issue is that the backend sorting in your search configuration should just be by Relevance and time.start (no name sort).


Hi Liz-

Thanks for looking into this! It looks like it’s working now and I was able to submit the Challenge.

Thanks again for your help,