I/am not able to finish final challenge in Answers
The errors iam getting are
1, Add Jobs page to the main experience
2.Add custom job card to the Jobs experience
Hi there,
You’re very close.
You’ll need to add the Jobs vertical to the main experience. It doesn’t look like you’ve made any commits to that repository yet though – maybe you just need to commit your code?
You’ll need to enclose the url in the card in single quotes (line 35).
Let us know if you have any other issues.
Hi Liz,
Thanks for the help.
Iam not able to figure out where I can add the vertical. Can you help me with the procedure.
Hi Deepthi,
You can follow the first 5 steps of the challenge. This will walk you through updating the Turtlehead Tacos Answers site.
Hi Liz,
I could finish it. Thank you.
Hi Everyone! I’m getting the same errors below - can anyone take a look at my code? I’m not quite sure what I’m doing wrong!
Add Jobs page to the main experience
Update the locale configuration with your experienceKey and locale
Add custom job card to the Jobs experience
Hi Hannah -
Confirming we responded on this thread here: Hitchhikers - Answers Final Module Assessment - #2 by Alyssa_Hubbard4
Let us know if you have any other questions.