Answers HH Theme - Issues using the financial-professional-location card

When trying to use the financial-professional-location card on an experience, you may encounter an error. The results associated with that card may not appear in the experience. Further, you may see errors in the JS console. This is because of a small syntax error in the card’s template. To fix this error, do the following:

  1. Fork the financial-professional-location card.
  2. In the HBS template of the forked card, replace this line:
    href=“{{#unless (isNonRelativeUrl card.url}}{{@root.relativePath}}/{{/unless}}{{card.url}}”
    with the following:
    href=“{{#unless (isNonRelativeUrl card.url)}}{{@root.relativePath}}/{{/unless}}{{card.url}}”

This issue will be fixed in an upcoming Theme release.

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