Click-based conversion tracking questions

Hi all -

I have a couple questions on click-based conversion tracking:

  1. If I set a conversion value today, then change it in the future, will that retroactively change all past clicks that have occurred? For example, if I set the value of clicks at $10 as a placeholder, then the brand gets me more accurate numbers and I update the value, will the clicks that have already occurred still be valued at $10 or the new value I set?

  2. Is there a way to measure clicks on links from a third-party vertical, specifically clicks on the Links backend (which is a GCSE)? I found this post where someone added a UTM tag to the end of links - is that the best way to track link clicks, or can I set up a formal conversion tracking action? I see when creating a conversion action you can specify Google as a Search Engine under Mediums to track - would that track the clicks on GCSE links?


Julian - Hey good questions!

Regarding your first question, yes if you change the Conversion Value for a Conversion Action it will reflect retroactively and the Conversions that occurred in the past will now use the new value you’ve set.

As far as your second question, Clicks from Third Party backends (i.e. GCSE) CAN be tracked by Conversion Tracking!

However there is one limitation, Third Party Link Clicks will be grouped with any other Title Clicks your experience receives.

The reason for this is two fold:

  1. Link clicks are categorized as Click Type = Title Click as are clicks to the title of Entities in Knowledge Graph backends and today we have no way to differentiate clicks to a specific backend (i.e. GCSE or Knowledge Graph).

  2. Link clicks are also not associated to an Entity which means they also cannot be isolated based on Entity or Entity Type

If your goal is to ensure Conversion Tracking is including Third Party Backends then you’re covered!

However if you’re looking to isolate these clicks specifically that is currently not possible in Conversion Tracking but is good feedback we’ll take back.

Let me know if you have any questions.
