Configure Search - Module 4 Unit 2, search bar does nothing

I’ve gone through the entire site build 3 times over and reach this point each time. Within the Yext system my search is returning data yet when I wrap up going through the Unit 2 section each and every time the search does nothing in the react app. In the console I see “module is not defined” point to a “./cjs/react.development.js” file, I created the site and see no .cjs files mentioned in the repo pull but the documentation somehow calls for one in in this section. Does the repo need to be updated or am I missing something?

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Good luck with that my man, sadly no one from Yext’s team is reading these posts.

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Hey Ryan,
Sorry for the delay, but we’ll take a look.

Hi all,

You may have seen this in the other thread, but the track and starter repo have since been updated. If you restart the track and update the starter repo, you should no longer run into issues.

Please let us know if any issues persist.