Search UI React Module 1 Unit 2, error populating seed data

Hi! I am working through the Search UI React track, and the seed data from Module 1 Unit 2 is not populating into my sandbox account 3231244.
I am using Windows 11 and have node v18.17.1, the Yext CLI, and the other dependencies installed.
The log for “yext pages new” command shows that it populated seed data successfully, but I don’t see any data in the sandbox account in content or search. Data loads into the github repo, though.
The command “npm run dev” ends in “ERROR: No configured streams in repo”
I’ve tried to work through the rest of the track, but I also get an error in Module 2 Unit 1. The command “yext types generate search src/types --experienceKey turtlehead” returns ERROR: 500 Internal Server Error
I’ve tried in two blank sandbox accounts, but I still get the same errors. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

Hi Jake,

Apologies for this as there was in fact an issue with the data that you were trying to apply to your sandbox account. Even though there was a message in your terminal that said ✓ Populated seed data successfully! this was misleading and the data did not get added due to an underlying issue that I have since fixed.

If you init with one of the Sandbox accounts that you already created and run yext pages new again and populate seed data, you should now see that your account properly fills with some content and a search experience and you should also be able to get past your issues with npm run dev and yext types generate search src/types --experienceKey turtlehead.

Let me know if this addresses the problems you were seeing.



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Thanks Aaron!
“yext pages new” populated the seed content for content and the search experience, but it didn’t add a site for the front end of search, which it looks like I need to complete the rest of the track. I am using sandbox account 3231244
“npm run dev” has the same “ERROR: No configured streams in repo” as before

Hi Aaron, I have a similar problem, when I start the yext pages new and I see the following message above the ✓ Populated seed data successfully! , Error: Multiple fields with same API name c_jobQualifications at /c/km/field/jobQualifications.json and my account is empty, can you help with this?