Directory Manager Creation

Hi community,

I have two questions:

  1. Do you know why my directory manager can’t run? I’m just following the steps of the training Account Configuration | Hitchhikers and is not working.

  1. On the other side, I’m currently working on a client account migrating from Classic Page to React Page. My question is do I have to create the new entity types and fields manually to proceed and create the directory manager? Because in the sandbox account, I think these entities are already there.
    For example these fields: Directory Children, Directory Parents, etc…
    And entity types like City or State.

Appreciate your help!

Hello @Joseph_Valenciano
Wondering if this has been solved for you or still stuck in that.

The process might have stuck when any needed field will not exist in Content (Knowledge Graph) on platform. Since the process includes the use of needed entity types and fields, those needed to be created and available on platform to successfully run the process.
In Sandbox account, while populate your Content with seed data facility has been used, the needed type and field could get exist accordingly.