Error in fetching logs in console

The console is throwing an error when trying to view it in the staging environment.
“There was an error fetching the logs. Retry?”
I have clicked on Retry several times with no result.
The live preview works, but I can’t see if the changes I made are good or not.

Hi Karine,

I started a new session in your account and was able to view the console log when making a change. You can try restarting live preview (button in the upper right) to see if that refreshes it. If it doesn’t work, you can go to Tools > Terminate Session and then start a new session.

However, before you do, I’d like to report this to our engineering team to see if there are any underlying issues here. Can you provide me with your code editor session ID? You can find this in the URL when you are in the Code Editor after the parameter session=. Thanks!


My session ID is a7c872a9.

I will wait to terminate the session and start a new one.

Hi Karine,

Thanks for sending this over. I’ll raise it to our engineering team to see if we can dig deeper into why we’re seeing errors. Feel free to start a new session since this one is already expired (code editor sessions expire after two days of inactivity.

I have terminated the session and started a new one. The console is now available again.

Hi Karine,

Our engineering team told me that our system was overloaded with the number of unused sessions last week, which have now been deleted. It was a temporary problem, but please reach out if you see any other issues.